It's a strategy! How to lose weight once and for all

Why don't diets work or work as promised and people can go to the gym for years but their numbers don't change? Our heroine knows how to lose weight correctly and for a long time, and is ready to reveal all the secrets to you. Just read carefully!

Self-balancing nutrition is the key to weight loss and weight maintenance

I haven't gained any weight in a year after another weight loss at sea. All this time I eat my favorite food after 18: 00, and sometimes after 23: 00, I eat a lot. But I don't gain weight like I used to!

My clients I contacted stopped dieting and cardio a week before the holidays and chose the right weight loss strategy as they aim to lose weight forever. They are no longer upset that they are slowly losing weight (2 kg per month), they are happy to have received a shot of truth from endless advertisements for a quick result for life!

If you are currently on another diet, then make yourself a bigger sandwich and come back to finish reading this article! Let's talk about how to lose weight once and for all. Or at least structure everything you need to know about it.

A woman created a beautiful body thanks to a lack of calories and physical activity

Lose weight permanently with a calorie deficit

First, let's understand how the process of losing weight happens? So, to lose weight, slowly or quickly, we need to create a calorie deficit. This means, you need to spend more calories than you take in. There are two ways to create a calorie deficit: diet and exercise. There is a third one that complements nutrition and fitness and is not a special option to lose weight quickly and permanently: the additional exercise activity (your favorite 10, 000 steps).

How to lose weight: calorie deficit

That is, you can cut food to the required deficit and start losing weight without going to the gym. Or you can eat chocolates and work out in the gym more than you ate. And in fact, and in another case, you will lose weight, the other thing is that it will not necessarily be fast and correct.

And what exactly you will lose weight, the waist or the buttocks, it is not known. The result is unpredictable. In both cases. But what to do and what to do to lose weight permanently and keep the weight off? Unfortunately, this is not written in the recommendations for any diet.

As the saying goes: "When you lose weight, you realize that they didn't love you because you were fat, but because you were stupid! " In this joke, I found a deep meaning related to the process of losing weight and the state you are in. came as a result.

Lose weight forever: diet or lifestyle?

So where to start? First of all, choose a weight loss strategy for yourself by defining your goals. If you want to be at a resort in a month and, after pulling your stomach, take some beautiful photos for a social network or conquer the man of your dreams, then you can risk all your health, because it is not. It costs you nothing as it is there! Fast weight loss is just for you! Get ready for some serious body stress! Get on "Dukan" - and in a month you will shed 4-5 kg of water, 2-3 kg of fat and mixed muscles. Just keep in mind that, as a rule, we have to choose what we want: to lose weight correctly and permanently, or to lose weight quickly?

If you are ready to lose weight once and for all, then let's understand together why this strategy is correct and what result you will achieve.

Calorie deficit options to help you lose weight for good

Let's start with the food. Any diet from the Internet is a huge calorie deficit, cutting food from your usual 2300–2500 to 1000 kcal per day, for example. Food itself is of little importance. The goal of any diet is to create a maximum deficit. Therefore, the bigger the deficit, the faster the weight loss process.

But a large deficit is, first of all, a violation of the hormonal background and a high risk of breakdowns, so it is unlikely that you will be able to lose weight forever.

In a long-term weight loss strategy, the calorie deficit should be small - 200, maximum 400 kcal per day. Never reduce your daily calorie intake to less than 1500 kcal! This is the lowest healthy limit for a woman over the age of 16.

With a small calorie deficit and proper work in the gym, you start losing weight precisely because of subcutaneous fat. The optimal weight loss formula is 3 weeks off, then 3 weeks on. That is, for the first 3 weeks you eat 200 - 400 kcal less than the daily amount, then for 3 weeks you eat the daily amount. But don't overdo it! It is important. Lost a few kilos. Then a new circle: deficit - retention. And so on until you get the numbers you want.

Since the body in this case does not experience excessive stress, we have a chance to lose weight once and for all and keep this weight in the future. I do not recommend sitting in a deficit without deduction, as interruptions are possible that demotivate you to do this important thing, which will definitely turn your life around 180 degrees.

The girl prepares a healthy diet after calculating the daily calorie intake

How to correctly calculate calorie intake to lose weight?

Each one is individual. And when it comes to a deficit of 200 kcal, it is important not to make a mistake with the norm. In this regard, nutritionists and nutritionists have formulas based on your measurements. But if it is not possible to pass such testing, then the easiest way is to listen to your body through observations. Try to eat clean food 3 times a day for several days (cereals, meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and 20 g of butter and vegetable oil in half) and observe changes in weight, as well as count the amount of food.

It is very difficult to eat with such a food basket unless you add sugar and delicious sauce or start frying everything. After counting your daily calorie intake for 1-2 weeks and observing your weight, which is unlikely to change for the worse, you will calculate your daily rate. These data will be exactly your body, which is very important to lose weight correctly and for a long time!

Then you will take 200-400 kcal from this rate to create a deficit. Besides, 200 is better than 300 or 400!

What should you eat to lose weight?

All the chaos of information about what to eat to lose weight and how to shake your leg so that your fifth point is rounded, is nothing but the content of profiteers for the same profiteers who have a lot of free time to runin stores. and ask for chia seeds for lunch. But this is a very complicated way to lose weight easily and correctly.

Ordinary people who work 8 or more hours, raise children, deal with other important matters, simply do not have the time and opportunity to lead such a lifestyle. Carrying a container of food with you to work is cool, ordering ready-made food with a regular KBJU is very convenient. But the most important thing in the matter of competent weight loss is not to get tired of these containers within two weeks and not to give up an important undertaking. If you are used to chatting with colleagues during lunch in your favorite dining room, enjoy this treat! Now you can find everything anywhere. The main thing is to be able to choose!

Remember that the most important principle of effective weight loss once and for all - you must be comfortable. You don't have to feel like an outcast choking on lentils in the kitchen when everyone else is out for lunch.

Diet to lose weight forever

How do you plan your diet anyway? In the process of losing weight, only the calorie deficit matters, not your diet (for a healthy person)! You can eat chocolate and hamburgers and still lose weight. But if you replace delicious high-calorie food with "correct" food (we are not talking about low-calorie), satiety occurs much faster, and the diet is more comfortable, and you lose weight faster, and the weight is easier to maintain. And the right food is the one that feeds your muscles, which has all the nutrients you need, which does not lead you to breakdowns on the way to the coveted "permanent weight loss" and helps start the acceleration of metabolic processes.

The BJU formula for proper weight loss

We remind you that BJU is:

  • squirrels
  • fats
  • Carbohydrates

The BJU formula is also different for everyone. Someone comfortably perceives a decrease in fat and an increase in protein in food and begins to lose weight. It melted before my eyes when I added carbs to my diet! Yes, yes, every day pasta and cereal - while minus 16 kg of pure fat! This question is individual, you will not find a single formula in the table, you have to experiment with the menu until you find the perfect formula. In any case, you will be able to lose weight quickly or slowly, but with a calorie deficit, but a balanced diet will help start the processes necessary to lose weight and keep it off. Sometimes cutting carbs to protein will unbalance your appetite and you'll crave chocolate. The main principle that you need to remember in order to lose weight once and for all: in each of your meals there should be proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And the goal should be to form proper eating habits.

Nutrition is a culture of nutrition that helps in their development. To understand your eating habits a little better, you should turn to specialized literature or thematic sites: the author's methods and systems, tens and hundreds of blogs of other authors and trainers. Since they are all professionals to varying degrees, it makes sense not to immediately rush to fulfill all the instructions, but to carefully evaluate what is proposed and listen to yourself!

The nutrients themselves are very important for the restoration of the "hormone". For a person with hormonal disorders, the help of a nutrition specialist is needed. Without such a consultation, it may not be possible to lose weight for a long time and maintain the weight achieved.

If you are a relatively healthy person, you can balance your diet yourself. Do not complicate this process for yourself, otherwise you will give up on the process of losing weight without achieving a result! The fact that you will be counting calories for a while is already too complex emotionally. Start simply if it is not possible to draw up a menu from a specialist. Keep the carbohydrate balance at 70% complex and 30% fast. Protein at the rate of 1-1. 5 g per kilogram of your weight (varies depending on the volume of your training) and fat is a minimal amount. But don't overdo it with lean foods, you definitely need fats too! 5% cottage cheese is excellent for fat content, it is well within the rules of effective long-term weight loss.

Change the ratio of BJU according to different formulas and observe yourself when you better tolerate a deficit of 200 kcal and when you lose weight.

Another question about nutrition on the way to "lose weight once and for all" dear

Can you eat after six? It doesn't matter what time of day you eat. The recommendation not to eat after 6 o'clock is due to the fact that in this case you skip a meal, which automatically cuts your diet by 25-30%, thus forming a calorie deficit - and you start losing weight. If you have already created a deficit, you can eat at a time convenient for you and this will not prevent you from losing weight properly.

It is not recommended to eat two hours before bedtime, as this negatively affects the recovery process. Well, in general, metabolic processes slow down in a person after 16: 00, therefore the opinion is supported that one should not eat after six. But they're slowing down - that doesn't mean they're stopping, it's just that working towards your long-term weight loss goal is slowing down. This is an average hospital temperature, because if your main activity and exercise falls in the afternoon, your metabolism probably works differently. I managed to lose 16 kg in 5 months, eating every evening at 22: 00 - 23: 00, despite the metabolism!

Choosing a workout

So, having decided on the food, it is worth choosing the training: what program to choose, what load, what exercises and in general the type of fitness. There are many options, you can start from interests. But you're probably wondering why so many people go to the gym for years and still fall short, or why there are so many obese people running marathons.

The choice of sport and activity should be related to your goals. If you are thinking about how to create a beautiful body, lose weight permanently and maintain weight, then your activity should be 70-80% related to training aimed at increasing muscle mass.

Muscles for girls: why, if we just want to lose weight for a long time?

Why do we girls need muscle mass, you ask. Well, at least to eat more and not get better. With good muscle mass, you can afford to eat your favorite foods, and in solid amounts.

Well, and most importantly, muscle mass is necessary if you want to have a beautiful body, it is easier to lose weight and keep it off in the future. Pay attention to people with the same weight and different percentages of muscle and fat mass. A girl with a good muscle mass of 60 kg looks much thinner and more attractive than a girl with even 50 kg, but with a small percentage of the same muscle mass. Why is she? It's just that fat has a loose structure, and visually a 50-kilogram little girl can resemble a fat thumb. And a lady with muscle juice of 60-65 kg will be an ideal model for underwear.

Lose weight the right way: strength vs. cardio

Why is strength training still preferred? But because only with them we can increase the muscle mass, which is so necessary for a beautiful body. Cardio, on the other hand, burns muscle along with fat. And they have many contraindications and negative effects on the weight loss process. From cardio, you really want to eat, which leads to interruptions in nutrition and brings terrible discomfort if we are lacking. And we remember that stress makes it very difficult to finally lose weight once and for all! Also, cardio leads to sharp spikes in cortisol, which negatively affects the weight loss process.

But people are used to comparing the caloric expenditure of cardio and strength training head-to-head, without considering the essence of what we need from exercise. Although calorie expenditure during cardio training can be twice as high, it is longer in strength mode, calories are consumed during the day after strength training. And most importantly - cardio has nothing to do with increasing muscle mass, which is so necessary to lose weight relatively easily, quickly and accurately!

Why do you need a coach in the process of losing weight?

When you hear phrases like "The 5 Best Butt Workouts" or "Exercises to Burn Total Fat" etc. , these are simply abstractions and allegories that help describe one of the tools of one of the exercises. And in order to lose weight, maintain weight and create a beautiful body for many years, first of all we need to talk about an exercise program. It should include periodization from strength training to volume, and the progression of weights, and different exercises for the same muscle group with different tendencies, and different loads on different muscle groups due to the characteristics of the figure and the development ofdifferent functional abilities.

To do this, I recommend finding a professional trainer who is deeply immersed in the topic, has experience with similar tasks and will help you avoid injuries from self-study with the wrong technique. Well, if your trainer turns out to be a charismatic specialist who can not only competently work with your body, but also provide the necessary psychological support and motivation, then this is 90% success in the process of your transformation.

In general, psychological support is extremely important to lose weight once and for all, especially for those who have just abandoned the many diets that promise rapid weight loss and have chosen a proper weight loss strategy. A lot of interesting information about this can be found in the books of psychologists.

Please note that when a professional athlete prepares for a competition, he always has a coach, even if this athlete himself can easily prepare other people for competitions. This is because it is very difficult to train yourself even for a professional. We feel sorry for ourselves and work out a few necessary repetitions, which will give the long-awaited effect of losing weight for a long time. Well, if you are not connected to sports, then it is very difficult to create a program for yourself and set a technique, which is proven by the examples of many people who regularly train in the gym on their own and did not even achieve any resultseven average in creating the desired figure.

Sleep is essential for weight loss and a slim body.

Important points that are often ignored when you want to lose weight fast

This is a dream. Much has been written and said about this. I'll just say: if you don't get enough sleep, then the effect of your training efforts is almost halved, and nutritional breakdowns will certainly follow, which prevents you from losing weight easily and correctly. Our muscle fibers recover during sleep, and if there was little time for sleep, then the muscles did not recover, and therefore did not grow. And we have discovered that the presence of muscles in the body is the key to a beautiful figure.

The rate of weight loss once and for all

Optimal weight loss is 1. 5-3 kg per month. I'm talking, of course, about pure fat. You need to understand that losing 2 kg per month is very good, although a girlfriend lost 7 kg per month - and this is a bad result. Here more means worse! Gone soon and will be back soon. A slow pace is preferred to lose weight permanently. Why am I focusing on this? Because you must have an adequate perception of this process. One of our clients, after a month of intensive training and normalization of nutrition, did not want to extend the weight loss program, and I asked her: "What's the matter? " She replied: "I only lost 5 kg from your training, it's so little. . . "Just! Just imagine that a woman lost 5 kg in a month, and if in a year, then it will be 60 kg! A little?

Please be prudent and think long term! Take two years to lose weight properly and create an ideal figure, and during this period you will be able to achieve amazing results, and most importantly, after achieving the result, keep your weight. You may go down 2-3 clothing sizes in the first six months, but the rest of the time will be spent building size and relief.

And further! Don't focus on weight. He can stand for a long time, and then sharply show minus 1-2 kg. This is due to the peculiarity of fat loss. Ultimately, you should only care about pure fat loss. An ordinary centimeter tape can serve as a home reference for you. And professionally - caliper or diagnosis of body composition.

Lose weight properly with hormone problems

If you are aware of hormonal problems, then go to a nutritionist who will restore your hormonal levels. And as a result, weight loss will be a side effect. After that, you will be able to independently balance your food, lose weight and maintain weight.

And if you need to lose weight quickly for a trip to the sea?

To figure out whether to do it or not, compare short-term and long-term weight loss strategies and decide if this journey is worth another hormonal surge for your body and then putting a few extra pounds back on. Or do you prefer to lose weight properly and permanently?

If it's still worth it, then the advice is the usual: a big deficit and a lot of training. Strenuous cardio exercises will help best. An excellent and more effective result is given by HIIT training, as well as EMS training with a program using the same high-intensity method.